Ways Store Lighting Improves Customer Sales and Experience

Ways Store Lighting Improves Customer Sales and Experience

Getting customers into your store is the first step in your dance into entrepreneurship. But now you’ve got to catch their eye. Then charm them into hanging around by showcasing your finest wares. Here’s the scoop from Valenti Construction who does commercial construction in Birmingham: You want your store to be the only one they…

Understanding the Stages of Retail Store Development

Understanding the Stages of Retail Store Development

Dive into the captivating world of retail store development with our latest deep dive! Presented by the seasoned experts at Valenti Construction, who specialize in commercial construction in Birmingham, this blog post unravels the intricacies involved in bringing a retail store from an idea on paper to a bustling space of commerce and creativity.  Understanding…

Buying vs. Leasing Restaurant, Commercial Construction in Birmingham

Is It Better To Buy Or Lease A Restaurant Space?

Imagine you want to open your very own restaurant; it’s a big decision! Now, there are two ways to get a place for it. One is buying, which means you get to control everything and make it just how you want. Luckily, Valenti offers commercial construction in Birmingham to help you build or renovate a…